

Our first visit of the season to the brown park!


wingertfam said...

Huh? Why the Arsenic title? I'm clueless.

Mrs. Judy said...

Huh? Why the Arsenic title? I'm clueless.

Mrs. Judy said...

Oh, and "Brown park?" Is that Huizenga's? Sounds like it was a good time! Glad to know that taxpayer dollars are serving a good purpose.

esteenwyk said...

the arsenic title is because the old style wood treatments would leach arsenic into the ground, not real good for kids. kind of a stretch for a title, but better than some of the other ones i think of using but the small non-junior high part of my brain stops me.

last year boden called this park, the "brown park". because of all the brown wood play structures. it is huizenga park, and it was definitely being used the night we were there.

wingertfam said...

I LIKE your creative titles. Keep 'em up.