
alert: album update!

have really fallen behind with updating our picture album link on the bottom right. i'll blame it on moving and getting new iphones and how do you juggle pics on there and so on. did a whole slew of catch-up today (hear, i have seasonal allergies really bad this year and everyone else is outside or sleeping!)! you will find new albums starting in jan or feb i believe, complete with folders of their own for our iphones for the last 6 months! you will find great things from christmas, bdays, moving parties, remodel, peeks into our daily life and more! don't really care to take the time to look, as i dump pictures in there without much thought so there is a lot, fine. but i know a lot of you will, so i wanted to make sure you don't miss them! feel free to comment on photos right in the picasa web album. liz did that once, and that was fun for me. grab a cup of joe (or beverage of your choice), sit back, and enjoy!

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