
weigh in

on monday, heidi had a weigh in at the doctor.  she was supposed to have gained around 0.5 to 1 ounce a day from her previous checkup.  we were a bit concerned because she didn't seem to be eating quite as much as we thought she should (based solely on boden's performance).  well, she seems to be good to go.  she had gained 9.5 ounces since her last visit.  or about 2 ounces a day.  she now weighs 8 lbs 3 ounces.  

as i write this boden is "singing" the alphabet song to himself, in bed.  something new.  sure beats wailing out that he needs is blanket back on.


Elizabeth said...

he sang the alphabet song a bunch yesterday, and it was cracking me up! he knows it quite well, but there's a few spots where letters and words get kinda strung together.
had a fun day yesterday. hope lea anne enjoyed the break. :)

Phil and Beth said...

I was thinking of you last night, and thought you would have had your baby by now. She's beautiful! Congratulations! And to be born the day after Christmas, what a nice way to celebrate!

Unknown said...

I'm not surprised that Heidi had gained a little. I thought she was starting to fill our better before I left.


lasteenwyk said...

liz,i did enjoy the break. thanks!

and beth, thanks for thinking of us, you are so sweet! how is little noah raymond doing?