
to 'vote' or to 'boat'

boden and i were coming back from bible study at church this morning and i was contemplating if i wanted to vote before we went home for lunch or not, when i noticed i had a voice mail from eric wondering if we wanted to go vote together and then get lunch. yes, of course! so we went to pick up daddy from work. as we were going, i told boden that we were going to get daddy from work and then go 'vote'. well, that started a whole string of conversation about getting daddy to 'boat' and the water and the ducks and so on. i tried to pronunciate it better for him, no luck, we were still going to 'boat' with daddy on the water with the ducks. told him we were going to go 'vote' with daddy for the president of the united states. asked him to say president. still, going to get daddy at work to 'boat' with the ducks in the water. once eric got in the car, he tried explaining it to him as well. somewhere on the drive boden stated no ducks, no water, etc. still not sure if he ever really got it.

well, the actual voting was pretty uneventful. not much to really consider a line, got stickers (which boden enjoyed), slid our paper ballot into some feeding machine at numbers 323 and 324. outside we ran into one of our neighbors and stopped to talk. when we were just about ready to turn to leave, a middle aged man was walking up the sidewalk to go vote, when boden bolted out in front of him. the guy (who was walking briskly, probably going to vote on his lunch break) had no way to stop and knocked boden hard to the ground, skidding across the concrete on his face. boden was pretty upset and his mouth immediatly started flowing with blood. we decided to nix the going out to lunch bit and went home for lunch instead. i sat in the backseat with him as he cried hard the entire way home. all in all, he got a pretty fat lip and his nose bled some too. after his nap i noticed that he had some other skid marks that had shown up on his face as well (didn't get a any pics of that though). he scraped up one of his fingers too. but for the velocity of the fall and how far he skidded, we were pretty surprised that he wasn't more banged up, especially on his limbs. guess it is all part of growing up a boy. he enjoyed the ice and having a band-aid, though after a short bit he decided it was better to wear the crayon band-aid on his shirt with his voting stickers than on his hurt finger. below we caught some pics soon after the incident.

boden getting some ice and tlc from daddy.

big fat lip...

trying to decide if the crayon band-aid makes it all better or not. notice the voting stickers... :)

poor, sweet bode...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Awww... looks so sad, poor kiddo.