
big boy bed

well, his big boy room is far from finished and the bed is still a bit incomplete (if you want the whole frustrating story, you'll have to ask me sometime), but eric is upstairs right now putting boden to bed in his new "big boy bed" as i write. keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for us as we try to make this long over due transition. hope it gives enough time to adjust before baby sister comes in 7 weeks and 1.5 days (but who's counting :) ). eric is coming downstairs and i don't hear any crying, so i take that is a good thing.

report from eric: he says that it was really weird putting him down in his new bed. he looks really cute though and the whole bedding down went pretty well. they had a little talk about this being where he is to sleep now and that he needs to stay there till he wakes up and then call for mommy. we'll see how it goes....

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Where is a picture of him in it?