
fun with bob

bode really enjoys hanging out with uncle bobby.
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reading with amma

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boden is getting some fresh air after our big thanksgiving meal. lake erie is in the background.
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here is boden on his way to ohio. at the moment he is pretty content to listen to sesame street and play with a couple small toys.
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girl clothes and anemia

maybe by the end i'll think of something to say about boden, but this one is more about baby sister, maybe mostly about me???

actually, this starts thru boden... two weeks ago it was in the 70's and now we are full fledged winter with snow and the whole works. it really caught us off guard. we had been talking about needing to get boden snow pants and all, but really hadn't made work of it. sent him to daycare on monday without looking outside or being very informed of the weather, thus with no boots or snowpants (the second of which we had none that fit him anyway). felt like a horrible mother all day, but later found out only 4 kids in daycare came with boots and snowpants, so that made me feel a little better. :) anyway........ i have spent the better part of the week looking for snowpants to fit our sweet boden. been frustrating, if you want the whole story, you need to talk to grammy as she has heard just about every step of it this week, just excluding tonight's venture, and i've already written more here than i intended for the whole post (how does that happen!).

so, i went to old navy tonight after supper and easily found a pair in his size in the color i was looking for. oh, if i had only gone there tuesday.... woulda, coulda, shoulda.... anyway, i have not been able to do this before tonight, don't really know why, but for some reason i have a hard time looking at the girl clothes, let alone buying them. can't really explain it, makes it all too real? i'm looking fwd to having a girl. just hard to take that step? boo hoo me. anyway, maybe it is because the clock is ticking, but i not only looked at some baby girl clothes tonight, but i actually bought some!!! yeah for me! :) they were all on clearence. there were a couple that i was nearly in love with, but didn't get because they weren't on sale.

the other is that i had a dr appointment for the baby today. this past week or so i have been incredibly tired. we have had a lot going on and i toss and turn at night, so i thought it most likely was because of that. when i'd mention it to eric, he would point out that i was indeed 8 months pregnant and it would make sense that i was tired. still, i have just felt more tired than i felt that i should. i almost didn't say anything when i went in today, but just thought i'd throw it out there anyway. glad i did. cuz i'm anemic. when they tested my iron when i first was pregnant my iron was 13 something, which is supposedly very good. then at the 28 week test, i was down to 11 something, which is still considered a reasonable level. well, i am currently 34 weeks and i have dropped to 9 something which is in the definitely anemic category. i have been a little weepy this week anyway, but i seriously almost started to cry when the nurse told me. it was such a relief to have a real reason for feeling so tired! they put me on iron pills, so when that kicks in, i'm supposed to see a notable difference in my energy level. i can't wait!

so, this post hasn't been totally about boden, indirectly a little about baby sister (which she will be becoming a very important part of this blog very soon), but probably mostly about me, but i am the mother right?


boden put his hat on all by himself!



boden likes to take a bath!
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happy days

fever is gone!

boden woke up this morning without his fever. he is doing so much better. much more like his normal self. lots of talking and playing with his cars. still not a great appetite, but i will take it.



boden came down with a fever last night. had one all day. he spent a lot of time snuggling on mom or dad. nice for us to get some snuggle time, but hard to see him feel so bad. right before bed time he was doing some better, but he still had a slight fever. hopefully, a good night's sleep will fix him all up.

by the way, his sleeping in the big boy bed is going quite well. it has been an easy transition. something that he was definitely ready for.

this picture pre-dates the fever and the big boy bed... yummy... toes...


big boy bed

well, his big boy room is far from finished and the bed is still a bit incomplete (if you want the whole frustrating story, you'll have to ask me sometime), but eric is upstairs right now putting boden to bed in his new "big boy bed" as i write. keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for us as we try to make this long over due transition. hope it gives enough time to adjust before baby sister comes in 7 weeks and 1.5 days (but who's counting :) ). eric is coming downstairs and i don't hear any crying, so i take that is a good thing.

report from eric: he says that it was really weird putting him down in his new bed. he looks really cute though and the whole bedding down went pretty well. they had a little talk about this being where he is to sleep now and that he needs to stay there till he wakes up and then call for mommy. we'll see how it goes....


to 'vote' or to 'boat'

boden and i were coming back from bible study at church this morning and i was contemplating if i wanted to vote before we went home for lunch or not, when i noticed i had a voice mail from eric wondering if we wanted to go vote together and then get lunch. yes, of course! so we went to pick up daddy from work. as we were going, i told boden that we were going to get daddy from work and then go 'vote'. well, that started a whole string of conversation about getting daddy to 'boat' and the water and the ducks and so on. i tried to pronunciate it better for him, no luck, we were still going to 'boat' with daddy on the water with the ducks. told him we were going to go 'vote' with daddy for the president of the united states. asked him to say president. still, going to get daddy at work to 'boat' with the ducks in the water. once eric got in the car, he tried explaining it to him as well. somewhere on the drive boden stated no ducks, no water, etc. still not sure if he ever really got it.

well, the actual voting was pretty uneventful. not much to really consider a line, got stickers (which boden enjoyed), slid our paper ballot into some feeding machine at numbers 323 and 324. outside we ran into one of our neighbors and stopped to talk. when we were just about ready to turn to leave, a middle aged man was walking up the sidewalk to go vote, when boden bolted out in front of him. the guy (who was walking briskly, probably going to vote on his lunch break) had no way to stop and knocked boden hard to the ground, skidding across the concrete on his face. boden was pretty upset and his mouth immediatly started flowing with blood. we decided to nix the going out to lunch bit and went home for lunch instead. i sat in the backseat with him as he cried hard the entire way home. all in all, he got a pretty fat lip and his nose bled some too. after his nap i noticed that he had some other skid marks that had shown up on his face as well (didn't get a any pics of that though). he scraped up one of his fingers too. but for the velocity of the fall and how far he skidded, we were pretty surprised that he wasn't more banged up, especially on his limbs. guess it is all part of growing up a boy. he enjoyed the ice and having a band-aid, though after a short bit he decided it was better to wear the crayon band-aid on his shirt with his voting stickers than on his hurt finger. below we caught some pics soon after the incident.

boden getting some ice and tlc from daddy.

big fat lip...

trying to decide if the crayon band-aid makes it all better or not. notice the voting stickers... :)

poor, sweet bode...


overnight with auntie liz and uncle mike (and macy too :) )

last weekend eric and i went to my cousin jay's wedding in wisconsin (which was very nice, btw), and with everything we were involved in, we decided it would be better for all if boden stayed behind. auntie liz and uncle mike were awsome in taking care of boden for us while we were gone. from the sounds of it, they had a lot of fun. i'm pretty sure boden did at least, as uncle mike and auntie liz are normally some frequent topics brought up by boden in our house and this past week was even more (wanting to call them, talking about macy, crying when he found out auntie liz was not still downstairs after his nap one day...). while we were gone, auntie liz kept us up to date with some emails of what was going on. thanks auntie liz, it made it just a little easier to be away :) so, i got her permission to copy her updates to the blog (no copywriting here :) ). hope you enjoy her words as much as we did...

"So far so good, he's down for nap right now. Played this morning - all toys are out of the bag. I think this is partly because he kept looking for his combine, which I'm guessing is at home cuz I haven't seen it. He wanted snack around late morning, so he didn't eat much lunch. One stinky so far. We ran to Gemmen's for a few things after lunch, he was getting tired and didn't say a word the whole time. He's having fun with Macy - if we're going to another part of the house he says, "Come on, Macy!" - it's so cute. :)"

boden and his beloved macy...

"He was tired and ready for naptime so he went down very well. And a 2 1/2 hr nap!!! Went down at 1:30pm and didn't wake up until 4pm!" (me - why doesn't he sleep this long for me???)

"It's bedtime! He went down just fine a few minutes ago, so we'll see how it goes. Supper time went pretty well - didn't eat tons, but he did eat some, and it was a variety. He also had an evening snack of goldfish. Evening went well. Played outside for just a bit after supper. Spent the rest of the evening playing with cars and reading books. Only had one unhappy moment - he wiped out on the floor. Wasn't bad, I think he was crying more from shock than hurt. He stopped crying the moment he saw Mike (he was working upstairs on carpet) - too cute."

"we're having fun! last night went fine - had to get up several times because somehow he gets out of his sleeping bag - but no major problems."

silly slippery sleeping bag! poor auntie liz...

"he was excited to go to church. had to kiss macy good-bye a few times before we left. he cried right at first when we dropped him off at nursery, but stopped pretty quick. i guess he didn't play much, just sat on someone's lap the whole time. was happy to see us when we picked him up. on the way home we drove through brower's and schreur's so he could see dump trucks, excavators, tractors, and hi-los. after we got home he had fun watching macy drink out of her water dish. we put him in comfy clothes and he insisted on having his slippers on the wrong feet, so he's walking around like that now. he and mike are playing in the living room now."

boden and uncle mike reading a book together...looks like a thomas book... :)

"Boden had fun playing outside today. He likes throwing the ball for Sadie (he picked up real quick on telling her to "Drop it!"). He also played with his tractor and lawn mower. Napped for 1.5 hrs today, and then also just sat with me on the couch for 45 min."

boden playing ball with sadie and uncle mike.

what a super long driveway to ride his favorite tractor!

"We decided to go to Mom and Dad's church tonight to hear a presentation from a team from our church that went to Russia this summer. Sounds like he did fine in nursery - didn't cry when I dropped him off, I guess he was pretty quiet the whole time, but they said that near the end he started saying "Auntie Liz hug". Awww, just warms your heart! :) Before bedtime tonight he again had fun watching Macy eat and drink - he gets such a kick out of that."

more fun with macy!

can you tell he is actually trying to mimic how macy is laying here? :)

"He's been really good, and hopefully has had fun, but don't worry, he does talk about you, so I'm sure he misses you!" (me- i hope so, cuz we sure missed him! thanks again auntie liz and uncle mike!!!)