

k. so, spring break was at the beginning of april and it is now the end of april and i have finally uploaded the photos from our fun and exciting trip to visit aunt nae and uncle wiley! you will find all 361 photos (even the super blurry one that i didn't intend to click on, but breezed on past and it was too hard to go back and redo) in the 'april 2008 aka spring break OK' album under photos on the right. for those of you not so hardy, i will try and pick a few 'can't live without' shots to blog about some highlights of our trip. hopefully it won't take me as long as it did to put the photos on :) until then boden fans...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved the pictures!!! He looks so excited and fascinated about everything. Will have fun looking at them again and again.