
night night bag

we recently got boden a cool race car sleeping bag in hopes of making his mobile napping a little easier as we are going down to OK for spring break to visit aunt nae and uncle wiley. we figure, he can sleep on a mat with a bunch of other 2 year olds two days a week at daycare, maybe we can transfer that skill to our advantage... at least, that is the hope. i feel highly skeptical, we'll see.

when we are playing downstairs, boden likes to play 'night night' (pronounced 'nye nye') by grabbing a pillow off the couch and pretending to sleep. though he does associate 'night night' with real sleeping, this little game doesn't seem to lead to any type of real sleep. we were afraid that if we give him this cool new 'night night bag' (is what we are calling it) that it would be the same way. well, eric got the idea of when we give it to him, to give it to him in his crib and then try and take a couple naps on it in his crib. so, we gave it to him this morning and boden seemed a little scared of it all after the initial cool 'surprise', so eric just crawled right into the crib with boden, which boden thought was way too cool! after i saw the crib was not in any immediate danger, i ran downstairs and grabbed the camera as these are some must see pics!!! enjoy :)


Unknown said...

Hope this doesn't start Bodie wanting Daddy to sleep with him.

Jamie said...

That's not just a cool race car sleeping bag, it's a Jimmy Johnson sleeping bag - Pastor Ken's favorite driver! Cute pictures! Good to know that Boden's crib is strong enough to hold him even when he's a grown up!