
faces of bode

boden has really been getting into making faces lately. here we caught a couple of his favorites. also, you may note, he has been teething something fierce the last couple weeks, with an almost constant stream of drool (more than he ever has before when teething). a couple of the pictures i included just so you could see the big honkers he is cutting in. the 'surprise face' lets you get a real good view :) (click on the picture if you'd like to see it bigger)

surprise face

squinty eyes/smiley face (they seem to be real similar right now)

not sure what this one was, but awfully cute and you can see the drool glistening on his chin...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess he does look like his daddy!!! Definately the ample mouth from Mommy though , by way of Amma.