first, i just want to say how much i enjoyed heidi tonight. eric had to go back into work for something short, so he took boden with him so he could be around and see some of the stuff he does at work. then, they are going to do some boy stuff i guess. anyway. that left just heidi and i. makes me realize that i don't often get just 'heidi time.' i so enjoyed it with her this evening. she is such a fun girl and she is in such a fun age. she understands SO much. points to things to ask what they are and then often times tries to repeat the word. i was trying to video her saying some words, and made the mistake of asking her to say doggy as one of the first words. she starts craning out the window saying 'doggy, doggy, doggy...', trying to find a doggy outside. this doesn't go on for just a little while. we look out all the windows and try to see if there are any doggies outside. no luck. try to distract her with something else, when all of a sudden, she remembers that there might be a doggy outside and starts looking for one again. she is also really into books. she likes to sit and look at them by herself and also likes to have them read to her. she points to different things in the pictures and really likes hearing about what is going on in the pictures. she sat on my lap for the longest time tonight with this barn open the door puzzle type thing. worked and worked at taking the magnet animals out and putting them different places and so on. really fun to watch. another super fun thing about her is that she loves shoes!!! it is so fun to get her a new pair, or just bring out a different pair. she gets SO excited. feel like i could go on and on tonight. she is full of personality as well as tantrums at this age. tonight was fun for me.
anyway....... the reason i was going to post......
yesterday i took the kids in for heidi's 15 month check up (really she is knocking on the door to 16 months) and boden's ear check.
heidi is doing well. 30.5 inches puts her at the 45% for height (and officially over half of mom's height...). 20 lbs and 8.5 oz puts her at the 8% for weight. i was a little surprised at the weight, cuz i thought she was around the 25% the last time, but the dr said she was in the 12% or something like that. hmmmm. anyway, he said we didn't need to worry about it cuz she has shown a steady drop in weight (guess it is only red flagged if it drops suddenly?) and she is still on the chart. of all the questions he asked i was able to say yes to right away except that she is not running yet :) he also said he didn't need to ask me any of the language development questions as she has about 35 words. i thought the second child was to be slower in speaking cuz the older child speaks for them. and it isn't for the lack of boden not talking :) overall, it was a good check-up for her. she didn't like the toe poke for iron testing, the dr examining her, or the shots. was cute to watch boden be all protective of her and super concerned and trying to get the dr to stop.
now boden. either he is getting used to this ear check thing and used to our dr, or having heidi go first prepped him and caused him to step up and be a big boy, i'm not sure. but this was the best ear check we've had, boden sitting still and such that is. the dr thought there might be some movement in his right ear, but when he hooked boden up to this other machine, it didn't really convince him it was much better. asked how boden was hearing at home. think it might be better, or maybe just we are used to it, or boden is adjusting. either way, when he asked if his hearing seemed 'normal', had to say no. because we can't be sure how much he is actually hearing with the fluid in his ears, he is sending us to a pediatric ent for a hearing test. boden is on the edge for age as far as it being an easy test or not. so i'm sure that will be an adventure :) if the hearing test comes out fine and he is hearing 'enough,' i guess we just live this way? if he fails the hearing test, he gets tubes.
that's all i got folks.
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