
uncle robbie???

we have big coffee drinkers on both sides of the family, so i must admit heidi comes by it honestly....

many of you know that heidi has come to enjoy the last creamer filled coffee drops of eric and my saturday morning coffee for quite some time (surely before two years old, closer to one??). this morning i was sitting on the couch with her drinking my coffee (black). she wanted to try some. it was still pretty hot and nothing added to it. thought i'd let her have a sip so she could see it was too hot and didn't like it so she would leave it alone. well. that backfired on me. she takes a first medium size sip. when she pulled the cup down from her mouth and i could see her face, she had a big silly smile on her face and says - "i like it!" i let her have maybe 5 or so generous sips and finally cut her off. what happens when a two year old starts drinking coffee? i can guess on the caffeine part, but what about the rumor of stunting your growth and all? how old was robbie when he first started drinking coffee? i know he was pretty young.


tee ball

boden and i went to our first week of tee ball camp today. both of us
really enjoyed it. we both learned a ton. for me it is like drinking
from a fire hose, being that i have never had any formal training.
so, i am learning how your supposed to throw (like a 't'), hit
(squishing the bug), and field grounders (like an alligator). these
two photos show boden doing the little 't' and the big 't'.


Nap time

Heidi had her babies all cuddled under her new blanket (from Grammy)
on her way home today.


me know

this happened a couple weeks ago, but i still want to post it....

eric and i were sitting on the couch. heidi was in front of eric on the floor. i don't remember what was being discussed, but heidi started 'making eyes' at eric. eric laughs at heidi and brushes her cheek - "heidi, daddy thinks you are so cute." without missing a beat, heidi smiles, tilts her head to one side and replies - "me know."

brother and sister day

since mother's day, boden has asked a few times - "when is it brother's day? when is it sister's day?" or "why isn't there a brother's or sister's day?" it would only make sense, right? ;) last night after a short time had passed after asking one of the above questions, boden asked - "there will still be father's day when i get to be an adult, right?" :)