

boden goes in for tubes at 6:30am tomorrow morning. we've tried to explain it to him..... about how the dr is going to take the boogers out of his ears..... he is now calling him the booger dr :) pray for the drs steady hand, the anesthesiologist, and all those involved. pray for a calm little boy and that he would not be scared with the experience. pray for daddy and mommy, especially mommy ;), that we are calm, supportive, and trusting in God. i know this is a routine procedure and it is going to really help him, but i can't help being a little apprehensive..... it is my little baby boy!!! looking fwd to him hearing well again! the information we received said it should be almost immediate. also looking fwd to a mommy and boden day at home tomorrow (i took the day off of work, heidi will be at daycare, and eric will be there for the surgery, but then back to work)! love our little guy!!!

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