
1st day of camp

The following are some highlights from our first day of the 010 camping season. There are more I had on mental list, but it is mental afterall...

Heidi got her first ride in the backpack. With papa, just like boden's first backpack ride 3 years ago.

Boden had fun splashing in the lake.

Heidi's hands and face were a dirt and sand magnet.

Both kids had no trouble with the new sleeping arraingments. Heidi in the bottom bunk and boden in the top bunk. No pack-n-play and no crib for Heidi.




In this video Boden is breaking in the playground we just moved into
the backyard. Listen close to what he says on his second trip up the
steps. That came totally out of the blue.


Cutie cousins!

The west mi girl cousins all cute in plaid! It wasn't even planned!!!



mountain mama

gonna fill in some of the holes from our weekend in WV. we all really enjoyed our time with the wingerts.

this is checking out a caboose at the train museum in hagerstown.

katie is giving boden a ride on the train. notice her shoes sitting on the floor. she needed every extra half inch so she could fit in the cab.

jenna is giving boden a ride. boden also wants to point out that he has frog and lizard with him.

heidi and boden enjoyed reading with uncle chad.

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Boden has REALLY enjoyed being with his cousins.

Get some class

Boden visited Jenna at her class today. Boden got to sit in Jenna's
desk. He didn't quite know what to think of it all, as you can see in
the photo.




boden goes in for tubes at 6:30am tomorrow morning. we've tried to explain it to him..... about how the dr is going to take the boogers out of his ears..... he is now calling him the booger dr :) pray for the drs steady hand, the anesthesiologist, and all those involved. pray for a calm little boy and that he would not be scared with the experience. pray for daddy and mommy, especially mommy ;), that we are calm, supportive, and trusting in God. i know this is a routine procedure and it is going to really help him, but i can't help being a little apprehensive..... it is my little baby boy!!! looking fwd to him hearing well again! the information we received said it should be almost immediate. also looking fwd to a mommy and boden day at home tomorrow (i took the day off of work, heidi will be at daycare, and eric will be there for the surgery, but then back to work)! love our little guy!!!


new class

this past winter/spring, boden has been taking a motor-movement class at the rec center, his 'new class' as he calls it. it has been so good for him. we have seen him take greater risks and develop in his large motor skills. he has also enjoyed it a ton! maybe more than anything else we've had him in. the last day, the parents were able to come in for the end of the class where they go thru all the centers they worked on. SO fun to watch!!! some of these pics got out of order, but i don't feel like rearranging them. also, i have a video that didn't load. i'll try that on another post. enjoy!

boden with miss darla, the teacher for the class!

jumping off the high mats!!! those of you that know boden, know what a big deal this is! now he wants to climb and jump off everything!

standing proud, waiting to jump!

so hard to keep heidi from getting in on the fun! good thing there was a lounge for the parents.... though, i was constantly running after her as she would steal all the other kids toys!

daddy stopped by during his work so that he could see boden's final 'new class.' boden sure loved having daddy there to show off for!

getting his certificate and ribbon from miss darla. (heidi got ahold of the certificate in the car and got it all crumpled. boden was pretty upset, but then decided he'd just throw it out when we got home. almost tried to talk him out of it, but thought - if he wants to throw stuff out - which he is usually pretty good at- i don't want to try and breed keeping everything! )

there's heidi again! into everything! at home, at school, at play!!!

boden on the balance beam. i said how he likes to climb and jump now.....well, that pales in comparison how he wants to walk on every curb, low wall, etc!!! look how happy he is!!! :)

all the boys in his class. there were 7 boys, an 8 child limit. this was the only class-two mornings a week- that had just all boys. i'm glad he was able to be in this class.

after each class, miss darla would give them a different stamp each week. truly a highlight for boden! every monday, boden could not wait till daddy came home so he could show him his stamp! he got to show it to daddy early this day, but was still excited for daddy to come home to show him again :) most mondays, the ink would end up somehow getting smeared on his face. each time, i couldn't figure out what was on his face and how it got there....mom must be a little slow....especially when the ink on his face looked very similar to some sort of picture.... :)

boden's favorite thing each week was the trampoline, with the tunnel being a close second when miss darla had it out. also in the picture, is a boy named bode (pronounced bodie). a couple winters ago we had this same bode in a library class we took. didn't seem to phase boden in the least. never even talked about it. thought maybe he didn't notice, thinking the teacher was just talking to him. he'd never talk about him outside of class like he did some of the other boys. but, on the last day, we saw bode downtown when we were driving past, and he says 'look there's bode with his sister, mom, and grandma. nothing gets past him' :)



Boden helped papa plant soybeans yesterday. Of all the stuff to look
at, what was probably the most interesting thing for him was the
little hand scoop that papa keeps on the planter to move seeds from
one hopper to the other. A close second was the little string he got
off of the bag of seed he helped open.


No wonder Heidi wasn't sleeping.