

so, it has come to my attention that blogger is not letting you comment on our posts! sense we love to hear what you have to say, i poked around a bit and changed a couple settings. try it and see if you can post now. if you can't, please let me know!

had to, had to, had to post this pic. i'm afraid you can't really see the expressions good enough in the small size. click on the picture so you can see it bigger and get the full effect. when i first looked at this picture, i laughed and laughed! heidi is looking right at me, who knows what she is thinking by the look on her face! i think she may be starting to realize what a crazy family she was born into.... :)

also, if you didn't notice (the only reason why you couldn't have would be if you were so intently studying heidi's face), but really? who dresses boden these days??? it certainly couldn't be his mother??? :)


Jamie said...

Very cute picture! I enjoy your blog!!

Wiley Gabehart said...

That is Hilarious!! Heidi is like, "Please, save me!" And Boden's outfit just tops it off. You should get that one framed!

Unknown said...

This is an all-time favorite.