
round bales

this past weekend we were able to go out to papa's and grammy's to help papa gather and stack the round bales. boden was super excited to go and watch papa on the loader and get to ride the tractor. our kids are so fortunate to be able to enjoy and experience things like this. i got a little picture crazy with this post... beware :) just had to try and share the good times :)

papa moves some round bales into the barn as boden and daddy watch perched up on a bale.

it was a gorgeous day!

daddy and boden are on the tractor pulling the trailer, papa is driving the loader, and i'm following them in the truck with heidi.

loading bales in the field.

papa and daddy on top of the round bales....not so sure i approve....
and yes, they hauled this down the road like this. no straps or anything.....

my most wonderful and handsome husband....

this is how they had to get them off...

get out of the way papa!

some of the bales all neatly stacked in the barn.

we went during nap time. boden got pretty tuckered out.... he decided to stay and eat fish crackers in the truck for a while :)

in all the fun, heidi was able to get on the tractor for the first time!

it was really windy that day. the wind was whipping her long locks around and nearly taking her breathe away. she didn't quite know what to think of it all.

our beautiful darling....


The Gabehart Gang said...

I was hoping to see some more pics of Heidi. She is SO cute! I love the first picture. It looks like a painting. Looks like a fun time.

Unknown said...

I thought only the Amish did round bales.