
picture update!

so i am finally getting the photo link on the right back up to date!!! i just added new the january and february albums - so check it out! now i just have to get the march one uploaded and we are back on track. think i can do that before april??? :) let's hope so. anyway, as i was going thru the pictures, i came across some must sees. the way i ended up uploading them, they start with the most recent and go back to the beginning of january. sorta like a trip down memory lane.... enjoy!

classic boden! all fresh with a new haircut!

auntie liz and heidi stop to smile for the camera.

so sweet all propped up in the corner of the couch...
notice her hair has got to be standing a good two inches off her head :)

grammy has the touch!

sweetness! look how long! not her mama's fingers for sure :)

peacefully sleeping....

boden has a thing for tunnels and a super awesome daddy!

all snuggly warm in the scarf grammy made him for christmas!

this picture cracks me up. you can totally see how trashed we were at the beginning of this whole new chapter :) i'm not sure about the exact date, but it had to be 2-3 weeks into it as i know my mom was gone and i remember that it was still a little painful to have boden crawling around on me yet from my csection.

boden sure had fun with big papa when they came to visit!

ahh, the sweet newness of a newborn baby...

1 comment:

The Gabehart Gang said...

I love the picture of Heidi sitting on the couch. She looks so cute!