
'daddy fun'

so sweet yesterday! after eric came home from work, boden and he played in the living room together (which is not unusual). they were having a great time with boden squealing in delight. when it came time to eat and we loaded boden all up into his highchair, eric made a quick check of his email (our computer is in the kitchen) while i put some finishing touches on dinner and boden sat sipping his milk. boden initiated a conversation with me (which he is doing all the time now). he started pointing toward eric saying 'daddy daddy.' when i finally said 'yes, that's daddy on the computer,' boden said 'fun fun, daddy fun.' he went on to repeat it a few more times. is that not one of the sweetest things ever???? what a doll! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not only is he getting words-- he's understanding the concepts like having fun. Amma wants to have fun with Bodie.