
changing channels

for a while now whenever boden wants me to sing to him, he will squeeze the skin on my face near my mouth and say 'dah, dah.' then he'll curl up in my lap while i sing. it soon moved on to include eric as well. in the last week or two now he seems to be getting more picky about our singing. before we could sing any song we liked and he'd be content as a lark. well, now if he doesn't care for the song we have chosen to sing, he will lift his head up and squeeze our cheek and say 'dah, dah' (eric has observed that he will squeeze the opposite side) until we change the song we are singing. he will do this repeatedly until we land on a song that he likes. i'm not sure if he is looking for a specific song or just changing the channel until he happens upon a song that he likes.

you may have noticed, but i did away with the word wall. the child of ours is spitting out more words a day than i can remember. he will try nearly any word you ask him to say and has a pretty high percentage of getting it right. so, i have officially given up in trying to keep track. some words of late that i'm particularly proud of though are pray, Bible, and Jesus! :) boden has started understanding somewhat praying with us at meal time and will stop and hold our hands and say amen at the end. if we pray longer than he feels is needed, he will often times start saying amen loudly before it is done.

another funny thing, boden has taken to calling eric 'big daddy.' :) we never told him to, he just started. it is pretty funny.


roobee said...

This entry was, basically, amazing. :) So many cute things rolled into one post! The "big daddy" line made me laugh out loud. The things our little men are doing...

Happy early Mother's Day!!!

Unknown said...

That's pretty sweet. You haven't told me that he likes you to sing. It will be sweet when he starts singing. What songs does he like? Christian ones I hope. Don't start him on rap.