

boden is sick, again... i guess kids are supposed to get sick at least 6-12 times a year. this must be our time to get it all done and over with :) i'm thinking it is rsv again. fortunately, it isn't supposed to be very serious unless they are under 6 months. called the doctor though because his breathing is much more labored and rapid. did some of the things the dr. said and he seems some better, but we're supposed to keep watching it. guess it could turn into pneumonia or something like that.

please. boden can say please now. it comes out sorta like peeas. he is very proud of himself when he says it. seemingly more than any other word he says. so now we ought to try and enforce it :) so, because this is one of his first 20 words, does this mean he will be a polite little boy???

bye mommy. we only heard it once today, but it was fairly distinct. i have thought perhaps that i've heard a hi daddy a couple times but not very distinctly. we'll have to keep you updated.

check out the link under boden's photos for the latest family portraits taken by our own auntie liz!!!

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