
web cam

gramma and grandpa got a web cam for christmas and it has been just fun fun fun ever since. boden comes running if he hears gramma's voice and will request to talk to them as well. just this evening i was sitting at the computer and boden wanted to sit on my lap. he sat on my lap for a few seconds and then started saying bobbie (aka robbie), papapa, and mommy (this is seemingly what he is calling gramma lately. we will say gramma, he will say back to us mommy, we say gramma, he says mommy, gramma, mommy and so on. hmmm). tonight boden was a little disappointed he couldn't talk to grandpa and uncle robbie (kept saying their names), but had a great time talking to gramma. he even leaned in a couple times to give gramma a kiss :)

below are a couple pics we took shortly after we got the web cams.



this past friday boden was 1.5 years old!!! so hard to believe! i keep finding myself thinking back to what things were like last year at this time. amazing! i know boden really grew and developed in the 1st year of his life, but wow! if we look back on the past 6 months, we feel like he has done almost as much maturing as he did in the first full year of his life! maybe because a lot of the maturing that he has done in the last 6 months has been communicative based? he seems to have a lot on his mind and wants to share it with us. he also has a pretty good idea of what he wants and seems to think that he should have/or do whatever he wants, when he wants, however he wants :) he truly has been a joy and wonder to watch grow and develop! what a blessing our sweet little boden is!

i know i am very behind on keeping you all up to date in the great life of the bode man. he has been keeping us very busy!!! those of you that have talked to me in the last couple weeks to a month, know that boden is teaching me patience and problem solving skills (a nice way to word it :) ). as i was telling my brother, it is a good thing that boden sprinkles in so many absolutely priceless cute and pull at your heart- string moments. it really helps to pay the rent :) eric says that he thinks boden's personality is appearing more and more like mine, so maybe that is why we have some of our trying moments together???? my mom is just smiling from ear to ear (pay back time :) ).....

so. i think the easiest way to do this is to just ramble off a bunch of highlights that come to mind as i go in no particular order.

pictures. i think we are going to try something a little new. we will continue to post pictures that you can't live without, but we are going to try and upload most of the pictures we take to our picasa web album that you can access by the link on the right for those die hard boden fans out there :)

words. i will try and update the word wall as best as possible, but it is getting increasingly hard to do. he is coming up with words sometimes more than one a day now. it is also getting harder to tell if it is a real word or if he is just repeating us. most times we ask him to say a word, he will at least try. sometimes it sounds absolutely nothing like the word, but often it will be dead on. so, do you count those??? right now we aren't....

jealousy. boden gets so upset if eric and i are near each other. he will start pushing us apart for all he is worth. he is even getting territorial of things he claims as his. his highchair. if we touch it or rest our foot on it, he gets very upset and wants us to get away from it. i guess at daycare he is starting to put up a fuss when kids touch his toys.....

eating. sometimes he eats like a fool and sometimes he will eat nearly nothing at all. one of the daycare girls commented not too long ago that it is a wonder that he is so big (i guess he is one of the tallest kids in his age group) when he eats next to nothing. today though, he ate 2.5 bananas and then some. yes, you read that right! he likes bananas we knew, but sometimes he'll only have half a one at a time. today, he ate a whole one right down and asked for more as he was chewing the last bite. i was like, hmm, i guess bananas are good for you and he asked nicely (sometimes he doesn't :)), so why not. then, when he had completely finished the second and was asking for a third (i know this because i offered him several other things to eat), i was like, hmm, this is interesting. i wonder how many he can eat... he ended with about half of the 3rd :)

k. so i started this post 3 days ago and saved it because i thought i'd get back to it soon and i had (and still have) more fun and interesting stories and drama to share about our sweet little bode monster. but alas, the days have past and i don't have the time right now at hand to add more and it has been well over a week since our last post, i thought i might as well stick this one up there for all those going on boden with drawl, and try and get another out soon....

below are a few pics:

daddy's computer moving project was a great opportunity to play in the kitchen cupboards!!!

one of boden's favorite things to do lately is to hide under the blanket with daddy.... or by himself, or with toys, or....

we try to keep boden out of the pantry since he dropped a can on his big toe and gave himself a big black toe. somehow he snuck in sunday morning and got busy stacking cans. this is when we found him. he stacked all of them by himself.

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boden is sick, again... i guess kids are supposed to get sick at least 6-12 times a year. this must be our time to get it all done and over with :) i'm thinking it is rsv again. fortunately, it isn't supposed to be very serious unless they are under 6 months. called the doctor though because his breathing is much more labored and rapid. did some of the things the dr. said and he seems some better, but we're supposed to keep watching it. guess it could turn into pneumonia or something like that.

please. boden can say please now. it comes out sorta like peeas. he is very proud of himself when he says it. seemingly more than any other word he says. so now we ought to try and enforce it :) so, because this is one of his first 20 words, does this mean he will be a polite little boy???

bye mommy. we only heard it once today, but it was fairly distinct. i have thought perhaps that i've heard a hi daddy a couple times but not very distinctly. we'll have to keep you updated.

check out the link under boden's photos for the latest family portraits taken by our own auntie liz!!!



boden has really been getting into climbing the stairs over the last week. he can now go up and down on his own. the problem is that right now it is recreation for him, not a means to an end. so, if you want him to do the stairs on his own you need to be prepared for several partial ups and downs before he makes it all the way down or up.

dual picker

boden is daddy's boy: