

last weekend papa was combining corn at full force, so we decided to make a trip out to the farm and check it out. we had taken boden last year at this time and he seemed to like it (well, as much as a 3-4 month old can i suppose :) he for sure didn't seem bothered by the loud sounds). so, we were curious how he would do this time (though we had a hunch he would like it, because he sure has enjoyed the tractor rides he has been on...).

well, when we first got there, papa had just made the turn and was going the other way, so instead of waiting for him in the truck, we decided to play in the corn. boden thought it was great fun!!! at first he just sorta sat there with a little smile on his face. after daddy helped explore it a little with him, he started digging into the corn and repeatedly sliding down the pile (i keep finding the corn all over the place here, even when i took clothes out of the dryer...). i think he would have put up a fuss over us taking him out of the wagon had the combine not been coming, and that was way too cool to look at :).

all three of us squeezed into the cab with papa, and for about half a round, boden was captivated. he kept looking at papa and at what was going on and then back at us like "isn't this cool?". the last half of the round he started getting a little wiggly and wanted to help papa drive and so on. boden wanted to get down on the floor of the cab and right up to the window so he could see for the next round through the corn. he stayed pressed up against the window for most of the round, but then found all the levers and things on the floor fascinating. after that, we decided not to push our luck. can't wait until he is old enough to ride in the combine by himself with papa like his cousins jason and nathan.

below are some (ok a lot, i had a hard time narrowing the pictures down...) pictures we took of our time:

fun in the corn!

daddy and boden.


how many of these can i get into my hands???


what's that big thing coming?


all three generations...papa, daddy, and boden.

watching the corn being combined.


i'm gunna drive one of these when i grow up, just like papa.


Unknown said...

What super pictures!!! Just adorable. Love the one of the 3 generations of Steenwyk men. The one where Bodie is looking down in the corn pile with his little hat on, is a dead ringer for his mother at that age. Really takes me back!! Love it.

roobee said...

So cute! The pictures are great (I have to admit, I was personally fascinated by that, too. I'm a city girl... I have NO idea what happens in a corn field. :)).

I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, and I hope you get out and play in the snow a little bit! Take care. :)
