
steenwyk thanksgiving/christmas weekend

this was the weekend for the steenwyk christmas to fall on thanksgiving weekend. so we had one fun filled event right after another. thanksgiving dinner was at uncle mike and aunt emily's, an after dinner hike with the kids (actually boden stayed back and took a nap and then snuggled with grammy for a while till we got back :) ), and a tree trimming party at papa and grammy's (boden actually only got to hang one ornament this year, before we had to whisk him off for bed so he'd be fresh for the next day). friday papa had a pre-lunch fort building party in the hayloft planned for the kids. we had every expectation that boden would like it, he has liked everything else on the farm so far (loud tractors/combine, walking thru the cornfield, playing in a pile of corn, mooing with the cows, ect...). at first he just took everything in and sorta clung to daddy, after trying to get him to go into a 'hay cave' he pretty much decided he was done. so, mommy took boden in to play with cousin claire and auntie liz until lunch. that evening (aka christmas eve), the adults went out to a yummy anniversary dinner, while the kids got babysitters. on saturday we enjoyed a wonderful christmas breakfast, read the christmas story, sang christmas carols, opened presents, and just had a nice time being together as a family. so, i don't know if you have scrolled down at all, but i hope you are ready for the barrage of pictures i uploaded from the weekend. i already had a hard time narrowing it down. maybe we'll add an album on the sidebar so you can view them all if you so wish....

boden sure enjoyed spending time with his cousins...

taking books and videos off aunt emily's shelves with cousin nathan.

playing with cousin katie and nathan.

playing with cousin claire.

just lookin' cute all by himself :)

dancing with papa.

looking cute with auntie liz.

so boden found this little car in grammy's toy closet and kept coming back and back to it. problem was, he couldn't quite get his foot over the top to get on by himself, and he could only go backwards by himself, so we had to find a nice long stretch for him to ride :)

good thing cousin jenna was there to help push boden forwards!

boden brought this book to daddy to read to him and cousin jenna....hmmm hemboldt???

posing for the camera-daddy, boden, jenna, katie, and natalie.

don't cousin jason and natalie look so happy? why isn't boden? :)

hey! how come i can't get this doggie out of here???

hey dad, did you see there is a car in here???

what is this?

how did my favorite balls get in here? i thought i left them at home.

these balls work different than in my popper.

the whole steenwyk clan together...


word wall

alright. i have not edited the word wall for quite some time, because frankly, it has been a bit of frustration for me. i think i wrote about this in an earlier post- i really thought the whole speaking/new word bit would be more cut and dried. now, this could be largely due to my personality (getting big nods from my husband. he thinks it is ridiculous that i have been struggling so over the validity of the words boden has spoken/not spoken.). it is getting to the point now that i am starting to loose track of order (again, something that eric doesn't seem to think is a big deal :) ), and i'm sure you all would like to be kept more up to date on his vocabulary (right? :) ).

so, here it is. a few weeks ago we added doggie to the list. now, there were four of us that heard him say doggie over a couple day period, which would seem like some pretty hardcore proof. except, until yesterday, we had tried and tried to get him to say it again with pretty much no success (yesterday was steenwyk christmas and grammy and papa got boden this cool truck with a four-wheeler in the back with a tent and some figurines that included a black doggie that looked like rambo (an old steenwyk dog from days past). he was just about as interested in the dog as the truck, and eric and i thought we heard him say doggie once or twice. but we spent some time at auntie liz's and uncle (brother) mike's house this weekend, both of which have dogs (boden loved them btw), but the most we could get out of him was a moo (cite previous blog entry.)). so, even though i know we heard him say it a few times, i have been having a hard time wondering if i should have added it to the list (i'm pathetic i know. i have no excuse.). so.... i have decided to edit it with an asterisk. yes, we have heard him say it in context, but can we get him to say it consistently?????

segue into gramma and uncle robbie. i have heard boden say maamaw (for gramma) on more than one occasion. boden often times goes around the house saying obbie bobbie obbie (and i think, it seems a bit of a stretch to think he would have uncle robbie spontaneously on the brain. though, he will often times start talking about cars.). also, there have been times that we have been looking at pictures and will say: "who is it? is it uncle robbie?" and boden will start saying bobbie or obbie. but it is not rock solid. sometimes he will be more interested in getting to the keyboard or mooing at an animal also in the picture. so.... i am opting for an asterisk in the official word wall. yes, we have heard him say it, but can we get the consistency????

boden loves balls. big, small, rubber, plastic.... (i would be tempted to say that they could nearly bump cars into second place. i can't say that for sure, it is sooooo close! the balls that came with his popper that aunt emily got him have become almost a lovey. it is not enough for him to have one in his hand. often he will crawl around on the floor looking under things until he can find a ball for each hand, sometimes he is not content until he finds a third (he can now hold two of those balls in one hand.). when he does find them, you can almost feel the tension leave. he will many times take them to bed/nap clutched in his hands as he falls asleep :) ). so, we knew it wouldn't be long before he uttered the word. which, sounds with a 'w' (baw) on the end rather that 'll' (ball).

papa. we had suspected for some time that boden might be saying papa, but after our combining outing we were quite sure (we thought he was saying it a few times in the combine and then the next day when we were looking at pictures, with no prompting at all, he started saying papa each time papa was in the picture.). and if there were any doubts in our minds, he surely put them to rest this weekend during our steenwyk thanksgiving/christmas weekend. nearly every time he saw papa he would break into a big smile and start saying "papa, papa, papa." one of the cutest times was when we were all eating a meal at grammy and papa's very big table. boden heard papa talking, but couldn't see him, so he started to say "papa papa" all careening his head back and forth trying to look around people so that he could see him :).

the next and final word posted on the word wall to date is surprisingly, 'water'. it is not like boden loves water more than other foods/drinks. if i had to guess i would think he would prefer milk over water. as i'm writing this though, i think of how much he likes to take a bath or put his hand in a glass of water, so maybe??? anyway, he will say water (rather wawa. brother mike said it was legit to document it if he is clearly using it in context.) whenever he is drinking water, or sees some on the table. consequently, he is getting much more of an opportunity to practice drinking from a "big boy" cup than we had been giving him before. (as he is getting better at communicating, i am noticing that he is wanting to do things at certain times that i never gave him the chance before. example: a couple weeks ago, boden started going to his high chair when he was hungry. ever since then he has been going to his high chair around 9am wanting a snack. big deal you say? well, up until now, i hadn't been giving him a morning snack! i guess i wouldn't think of it because i rarely have a morning snack and it is not near such a long stretch as between lunch and dinner. makes me feel a bit guilty. wonder what else he would like that i just don't think about :).).

wow! if you made it to the end of this post, you must surely love and are smitten with boden nearly as much as we are!!! thank you for letting me get this off my chest. hopefully i will be able to move on with life now :).


boden has discovered that noses are a great place to put fingers!



boden took a big boy shower! he has been trying to get in the shower for some time. finally, the other day after i was done, i took his clothes off and pulled him in with me. he did good. he didn't quite know what to think of it, but it sure made it easier to clean him. i tried it again yesterday and this time there were more tears. maybe soon he will be able to do it all on his own.....

ps-the me in this blog is eric.



last weekend papa was combining corn at full force, so we decided to make a trip out to the farm and check it out. we had taken boden last year at this time and he seemed to like it (well, as much as a 3-4 month old can i suppose :) he for sure didn't seem bothered by the loud sounds). so, we were curious how he would do this time (though we had a hunch he would like it, because he sure has enjoyed the tractor rides he has been on...).

well, when we first got there, papa had just made the turn and was going the other way, so instead of waiting for him in the truck, we decided to play in the corn. boden thought it was great fun!!! at first he just sorta sat there with a little smile on his face. after daddy helped explore it a little with him, he started digging into the corn and repeatedly sliding down the pile (i keep finding the corn all over the place here, even when i took clothes out of the dryer...). i think he would have put up a fuss over us taking him out of the wagon had the combine not been coming, and that was way too cool to look at :).

all three of us squeezed into the cab with papa, and for about half a round, boden was captivated. he kept looking at papa and at what was going on and then back at us like "isn't this cool?". the last half of the round he started getting a little wiggly and wanted to help papa drive and so on. boden wanted to get down on the floor of the cab and right up to the window so he could see for the next round through the corn. he stayed pressed up against the window for most of the round, but then found all the levers and things on the floor fascinating. after that, we decided not to push our luck. can't wait until he is old enough to ride in the combine by himself with papa like his cousins jason and nathan.

below are some (ok a lot, i had a hard time narrowing the pictures down...) pictures we took of our time:

fun in the corn!

daddy and boden.


how many of these can i get into my hands???


what's that big thing coming?


all three generations...papa, daddy, and boden.

watching the corn being combined.


i'm gunna drive one of these when i grow up, just like papa.


whispering and picture day

i've got to tell you, though nearly every single thing boden does is fascinating (i could do without the poopy diapers), some are just more precious to me than others. what makes them rank higher and pull at my heart strings? i have absolutely no idea why. but, i think it was thursday night, he put another thing on my top ten list. we were sitting at the kitchen table eating supper, and he started whispering! i'm not totally sure how it started and wonder if eric and i whisper that much around him (it was a daycare day, so maybe he picked it up there? one of the many things he is bound to pick up from other kids..... at least this one is cute :) ). we'd whisper back to him and he would just start going to town whispering in his own little language of his. i've tried it out in the last few days and it has stuck. i have no idea why, but i feel like hearing him whisper is one of the most precious things he has done so far. maybe because it was so unexpected. i didn't know they started to whisper yet at this age. we did know that he could sure talk loud :).

speaking of daycare... friday was picture day, and because that is a day i don't work, we made a special trip in just to pose :). boden was all happy to be there and even lunged a couple times at one of the daycare girls before deciding he'd rather just get down on the floor. that was a very weird feeling for me as boden hasn't really wanted to go out of my arms to other people much besides eric.

the pictures were being taken in a very small room and so not many people could be in it at once. boden saw all these stuffed animals, a big white umbrella for lighting, kids talking in the room, and flashes of light. it was about more than he could take, he HAD to go in there :). he kept pulling on me, leaning way in to try and drag me (he would have most certainly walked in himself if i would have let him).

since there was a line, we decided to find some of the other kids. boden all sorts of lit up for this one little girl when she walked past and followed her. she touched his face a couple times and he thought that was great (totally off the subject, but we were in the new menards the other night and a little girl, maybe 2 or 3, came up to boden and wanted to talk. she gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. boden was all starstruck and when the mom told the girl they had to go and started walking away, boden just started following her. i let him go for a while, but finally picked him up and went the other way. who knows how far he would have followed her :) ). the daycare girl said that all the kids sorta have a thing for this little girl for some reason. i guess she has some kind of throaty laugh that they all like.... is it starting already!?!?!?

anyway, we went back for the pictures and since boden still wanted in so much, the picture lady said boden could sit in one of the kiddie chairs by the wall and watch. we have not put him in many little chairs, for sure not recently, so this was a new experience for him and he thought it was something special! he sat there hardly moving with this half smile on his face, looking like - is it ok to like sitting in this little chair so much???

so then his turn came to take his picture. i was anticipating him doing great because he was so interested in getting in there before hand. i don't know if it was because i had to take him out of the little chair, or because all of a sudden all this looked a lot more scary up close, but his started crying up a storm (payback from my mother i'm sure :) ). they had this little velvet settee type chair (isn't that what you call that big yellow lounge chair at grammy's?) for him to sit on and he wanted nothing to do with it. he kept clinging to me as i'm trying to make him calm down and sit there and back away. the picture lady was all kinds of entertaining, throwing him this clown nose, but to no avail. finally, she asks if i wouldn't mind stepping out of the room and letting one of the daycare ladies deal with him. i was a little surprised, but said sure. nearly as soon as i left the room he stopped crying and started throwing the clown nose back at her and reportedly giving her a few smiles!!! now, in all my years of teaching i have known and witnessed that children act differently for their parents than they do others, but never did i imagine that my own sweet little boy, not even 16 months yet, would be better for someone else than me!!!!!!!!!!!


ohio grandparents

my dad has a crazy work schedule and has not been able to come up to visit boden as often as he would like. currently, his 'weekend' is on monday and tuesday and since one of my part-time off days is monday, he said, "i've had enough! i'm coming up to see the boy!" as luck would have it, or rather God granted it, my mom just happened to unexpectedly have the days off from school as well.

so, they got up here on monday just before boden's nap. at first boden was pretty shy and just cuddled up to me, taking little peaks at them (pretty much at grandpa). of course, grandpa wouldn't let him get away with that, and soon boden was laughing up a storm at the silly faces and noises he was making. by the end of the time they were here, it was boden that was following grandpa around the house :). we speculated that boden was confused seeing an older uncle robbie with gramma, instead of the younger version of uncle robbie he saw just three weeks earlier.

on tuesday, i had to work and my parents needed to go home because my mom had to work early the next day. i told them that they could drop boden off at daycare if they wanted to spend a little more time with him before they left. my mom was shocked! why should they send him to daycare when they could spend all day with him!?!? they would rather drive through the night. so, boden got to spend all day tuesday with gramma and grandpa getting spoiled rotten :).

below are some fun pics of their visit.

playing on the floor with grandpa.

boden brought books to gramma to read the whole time they were here.

the adoring grandparents...

we've been working on getting boden to blow kisses. this is one of the first times he actually brought his hand up to his mouth. he would put his hand on his mouth and then put his hand on my mouth :).

banging on the window as he watched
gramma and grandpa get into their car.



some cute pictures of boden pretending the banana is a phone :) the scab on his forehead is from when he wiped out on the cement the other day while chasing after daddy raking the leaves. his big 'ol head just got ahead of him and he skidded across the driveway. we thought for sure he was gunna cry long and hard, which he did cry for a few seconds, but decided it was much more fun to play in the leaves.

fun in the leaves

we spend quite a bit of time outside with boden, he is always wanting to go outside, often pulling us to the door. we noticed, as well as boden's babysitter last friday, that boden thinks the leaves are great fun. he loves to stomp around in them. one afternoon eric raked up some small piles for him to play in. super fun times!



for those of you who were wondering..... i tried eggs out for the first time with boden on wednesday morning and at first he didn't even seem to care that i had put some on his tray. i had made them scrambled as i thought that might be the most appetizing, and then cut it into bite size pieces. a while later i looked and they were gone. he seemed to enjoy them and ate about half the egg. i tried them again this morning, same way, and he wouldn't even touch them. just pushed them to the side of his tray. hmmm