
doctor doctor

so, we had boden's 15 month doctor appointment today. he is keeping pretty steady with his measurements. he weighs 24 pds 14 oz, which puts him around 55-60%. he is 32.5 inches long, putting him around 85-90%. it is crazy to think that he has grown over 10 inches in length since he was born! and 49cm for head circumference, coming in at a whopping 93%. the boy has a big head :) he is actually down from 95% from last time :) the doctor keeps assuring me that his head measurement is consistent with his other measurements....

today was a much different well doctor experience from the others we have had thus far. as the nurse was leading us into one of the rooms she was telling us that at 15 months kids start to get 'scared' of the doctor visits and for sure by 18 months. well, i'm not so sure boden was scared, but he sure didn't like it one bit this time and let us know about it! a couple of times i thought, so this is what michelle has been talking about when she takes her girls to the doctor. i now understand :) from the first measurement of the head, to the prick of his big toe to check for iron levels, to the band aid on his big toe (didn't stay on for long :) ), to the weighing and measuring, to the doctor checking his ears, listening to his heart, the shots, and so on and so on.... boden acted like, what in the world are you doing to me! all this fun we have in store :)

besides all that (and eric didn't think it was that bad, so some of it may be perception), he passed all the marks. only two things that the doctor asked us that he is not really doing is: pointing and running. the running thing seems funny to me. i suppose he does try to walk really fast sometimes and ends up falling, but he is a far way from running at this point. he probably has better success at jumping than running (he isn't very good at jumping either). the doctor said he wasn't concerned about his lack of pointing because he seems to be developing good verbal skills. he would have been happy with mama and dada plus one other word. boden has three in addition plus mommy, and maybe gramma and robbie which we will have to touch upon later :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If that doctor had any sense, he would understand that Bodie is far too well-mannered to point. Pointing is not done in polite society. Our boy is far ahead of the average baby in proper social skills.