can you believe it??? heidi is two months old!!!! in some ways i feel like she just came home from the hospital a week ago and in others i feel like she has always been part of our family. the doctor visit went well. all four of us went :) boden did very well. we told him he had to be quiet like he is at church (we haven't put him back in the nursery yet due to dr's reccomendation with sickness going around), so from the moment we stepped into the waiting room he started whipering and telling us to be quiet like church.
anyway....she is doing very well. weighed in at 10 pds 10 ozs (50th percentile) and 23.5 inches (80th percentile). nurse commented that she was long and skinny. these are very similar percentiles to what boden has hung around. will be interesting if they stay similar. it really shocked eric and i that she had grown three inches since her first appointment just short of a week old. the nurse didn't seem to think that it was that surprising. she was like, 'well it has been two months', and we were like, 'it has only been two months!' :) also interesting was her head circumference (50th percentile). the nurse commented on her having a little head, we laughed as everyone knows that boden's is definitely on the big side :) it has never been below the 92nd percentile and i think as high as 98th :)
let's see.... what else.... dr said her biggest danger for a while yet is boden :) the doctor seemed a little surprised that she was sleeping as well as she is - last feeding at 10pm then again at 7am. has been that way for a few weeks now, of course last night she was up at 4am :) hope it was due to the shots and we will be back to 'normal' again tonight. she got shots and screamed to high heaven. boden didn't quite know what to think of that. should he be worried? he got a bandaid and a sucker out of the whole thing, so i think he was pretty happy with that :) the picture in the previous post is after heidi was 'choking' down a new medicine they give for the roto (i know i'm spelling that wrong) virus. she didn't like it too well.
well, i'm off to give boden a snack and feed heidi....
first dressing
have been going thru the pics of the last couple of months (notice that the photo link to the right is back!!! i will hopefully be getting up to date with everything.), and i've come across some pics and videos that should have been shared had we not been so sleep deprived and the such :) this one i just had to post. this video is taken the day we went home from the hospital. eric is dressing heidi in real cloths for the first time. where did i get a guy like this?!?! they are rare i know! enjoy this video of our sweet just four day old heidi....
pee in the potty!!!!
yes. that is what i said! boden peed in the potty for the first time this morning! how excited are we?!?! oh so very! :)
it has been a long time in coming and no, we are not officially potty training yet. boden has shown curiosity for quite some time now. before heidi was born we were in the store and he saw an elmo potty chair (the kind you sit right on the toilet) so we got it. it has only been in this past month that he has even agreed to sit on it. i've only ever put him on when he's asked, but nothing has ever 'come out.' well, today it did! i think it surprised us both. we were all happy and called daddy at work after we had flushed it down and washed our hands.
so, maybe we should do some reading about potty training? not sure if i'm quite up for the challenge. right now i'd rather change two sets of diapers than clean up poopy underware. maybe he'll just train himself...! :)
it has been a long time in coming and no, we are not officially potty training yet. boden has shown curiosity for quite some time now. before heidi was born we were in the store and he saw an elmo potty chair (the kind you sit right on the toilet) so we got it. it has only been in this past month that he has even agreed to sit on it. i've only ever put him on when he's asked, but nothing has ever 'come out.' well, today it did! i think it surprised us both. we were all happy and called daddy at work after we had flushed it down and washed our hands.
so, maybe we should do some reading about potty training? not sure if i'm quite up for the challenge. right now i'd rather change two sets of diapers than clean up poopy underware. maybe he'll just train himself...! :)
fun in the melt
here are a couple videos of boden having fun in the puddles left over from the snow melt.
news flash!
this weekend boden has eaten oatmeal, cheesy breadsticks, and mashed potatoes. all for the first time as a non-baby!
great grandpa and headbands
we had a special visit from great grandpa steenwyk yesterday. i had told boden that grammy, papa, and great grandpa were coming for a visit after lunch. we were talking about how great grandpa was daddy's papa. he seemed to be having a hard time getting his mind around that, and in the process, was seemingly getting a little scared about the whole visit. saying things like 'no great grandpa in the yellow house.' (which is a variation of 'no monkeys in the yellow house.' for some reason he now has a fear of his beloved monkeys jumping on the bed, but that is a whole other story. :) ) so i was a little worried how it was all going to go. when they got here, boden was definitely wary of the whole situation and wouldn't go near great grandpa for a bit. which, anyone who knows great grandpa steenwyk would shake their heads in disbelief of how anyone could be scared of this sweet, sweet man! anyway, by the end we couldn't get him to sit on his lap, but he was giving great grandpa high fives and kisses with vigor. maybe next time we'll get the lap...
grammy, papa, great grandpa, boden, and heidi.
while they were here, grammy gave heidi a headband she had knitted to match the ball she had made heidi for christmas. doesn't she look so cute?
after grammy left, boden got ahold of the headband and came out sporting his new look. pretty sure that is not what grammy had intended.... :)
right there
that is dog poop right there!
(this has been a major object of interest the last few days; this particular terd)
(this has been a major object of interest the last few days; this particular terd)
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all smiles
so both eric and i have been aware that even though we now have two children, the oldest still is the one with the most press time. thought we would be the exception, but alas... sorry sweet baby girl, we will try to do better!
heidi has been smiling for a while now, but the other day i thought she was looking especially cute and i'd try to get it on camera. so, i held up the camera, told her to smile, and she did! what an obedient child! hope it lasts :) enjoy the pics below!
heidi has been smiling for a while now, but the other day i thought she was looking especially cute and i'd try to get it on camera. so, i held up the camera, told her to smile, and she did! what an obedient child! hope it lasts :) enjoy the pics below!
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