

i went into heidi's room to wake her up this morning. i said "hey
booger!" (like calling her a booger).

she immediately responded with "i ate it already!"


Day 5 and 6

Day 5 was travel day (from Chicago to the water park). We had a little time before we left, so we made a return trip to the Lego store. Heidi wanted her picture with darth, and she actuay posed for it (motivated by some older girls that had their picture take with him). It seems lime Heidi is starting to understand the concept of posing for pictures. Up until now, she would just want to see the results of the picture on the "camera" before we would even have a chance to take it.

After the Lego store we had lunch at the cheesecake factory and headed to the water park.

The evening of day 5 and all of day 6 we spent water parking it. The kids sure had fun. There is one slide in particular that boden went down maybe 50 times in a row. He did a good job of obeying the rules, like waiting his turn. I did have to remind him a couple times that the other moms (this is weird cuz I am a dad but I cannot think of how else to write this) have their own kids to watch and they cannot always watch him.

Zoo day

We sure had fun at the brookfield zoo. We saw lots of cool animals, a dolphin show, and posed on several different animal statues. We stayed till it was almost closing time, and as you can see from the last photo the kids were tuckered out. If it is not the first time, it is surely no more than the second time that they have both been asleep in the car at the same time. We had to wake them up when we got back to the hotel.

We topped the night off with supper at Ed Debevicks.


Day 3

Day 3 was a bit more low key. One of the first things we did was go thru the trader joes by our hotel. The kids had fun pushing the kid-sized shopping carts (we had to cut it a little short, though, cuz they were getting a little wild). After coffee and cake pops at Starbucks we wandered down Michigan Ave. The highlight was the Disney store. The kids went crazy with all of the different stuffed characters. They even suckered dad into getting them a couple (not the ones shown, which would have not fit in the car). We finished things out with stuffed pizza for lunch and a good nap.


Break from vacation

The kids are getting a little rest while watching tv. Although, as I write this Heidi has bagged watching and has assumed the sleeping position.



On out second day in Chicago we went to the aquarium and the rain forest cafe.

The first photo is of Boden as we waited to get in the aquarium. We waited a LONG time.

The second photo is of us after we saw a "4-d" movies of Dora and Diego.

The third is one of the many things that were climbed on today.


We hit the Lego store on our first evening in Chicago.